© Bronzewing Farm 2013-25
Mountain Pepper Production:
Berry Harvesting: Bronzewing Farm(R) Tasmanian DEVIL(R) Mountain Pepperberries are
hand-harvested from the farm between April and June every year.
Hand-harvesting is necessary because (a) the berries don't seem
to want to drop off naturally (in our greenhouses we can have last season's berries still on the plant when the current season's berries
are developing), and (b) it is important not to damage the new buds/growth which develop in the centre of the whorl of berries.
This growth habit is called monopodial branching (see the lower-right photograph). Hand-harvesting is why Tasmanian Mountain
Pepper is so expensive - there are around 4,000 berries in 1 kg of Mountain Pepper Berries (and this only gives you around 250 g of
dried Mountain Pepper...). See our harvesting video here.
The fresh pepperberries are graded to remove twigs and leaves
but we typically leave the berry stems on those fruits where they haven't fallen off during harvest. We do this, because they
add an 'authentic' look to our "Devil" peppercorns. Also the stems are just as 'hot' as the berries.