Taste Sensation
The above description probably doesn't help
you define the way you'll taste Tasmanian DEVIL(R) Mountain Pepper berries, so what is in it?
Research undertaken by the University
of Sydney shows that our air-dried DEVIL peppercorns have the following flavour compounds:
Well Colour me Pink (or red)!!
Another great thing about our Tasmanian DEVIL
(R) Mountain Pepper is that the skin of the fruit
is not black, but deep, deep red. Full of anthocyanins (specifically
cyanidins - 29.4 mg/g ;
Konczak 2009). Anthocyanins?
Think red wine grapes, tomatoes, red apples, etc.
Anthocyanins are strong antioxidants but they can also give a great
reddish colour to your cooking. The anthocyanins are really rich in our freeze-dried pepperberries, but some can still be brought
out of even our air-dried Mountain Peppercorns. Lemon juice, vinegar and brine are a great way to extract both colour and flavour
out of the peppers (the photo on the right shows 20 peppercorns in 30 g of white vinegar; when crushed the peppers release even more
© Bronzewing Farm 2013-25